Thanks so much for inquiring about Pelican Garden. When searching for an Assisted Living Facility, making the right decision where to place your loved one is generally not easy. And it can become especially challenging when family members know what's best, but the senior needing help may not feel the same. Regardless of your situation, please know that we're here to help. Below is some helpful information and frequently asked questions (FAQ's). If you have additional questions, simply let us know and we'll gladly respond. Thanks again for checking us out at Pelican Garden!
Pelican Garden specializes in helping families take the complexity out of their search for senior living care. We've spent countless hours interviewing and being interviewed, working with individuals and families to support their senior living search. Please know that our goals are simple: Find the right solution to fit your family's needs, while maintaining or improving their lifestyle, within or below your allocated budget. We have passion for what we do and will spend the time needed to help you go through the process to ensure you make the right decision.
Answer: Assisted Living Facilities are best for seniors who need some help with certain everyday tasks such as getting dressed, bathing, meal time and taking medications. Also, seniors with whom may be at risk for falling, not currently getting the proper nutrition or lacking in other individualized needs to fulfill their life may also qualify for assisted living.
When determining if your senior qualifies for assisted living, you should consider the necessary activities of daily living routines, instrumental required functions that are important for the safety and welfare of your senior. Most senior care providers and health professionals group the activities of daily living into the following six categories:
⋅ Bathing: includes grooming activities such as shaving, and brushing teeth and hair
⋅ Dressing: choosing appropriate garments and being able to dress and undress, having no trouble with buttons, zippers or other fasteners
⋅ Eating: being able to feed oneself and eating the right foods to benefit the body
⋅ Transferring: being able to walk, or, if not ambulatory, being able to transfer oneself from bed to wheelchair and back
⋅ Continence: being able to control one’s bowels and bladder, or manage one’s incontinence independently
⋅ Toileting: being able to use the toilet
If any of the above are not currently being handled appropriately, you should consider assisted living because we can help your loved one complete these important and required daily living functions. Families often don’t understand the types of care available or the common industry definitions, so our staff at Pelican Garden will take the time to explain the differences in level of care and help you understand why a specific type of community may be the best fit as you search your options.
Answer: Some of our residents in assisted living simply require general oversight and reminders while others need various levels of care and assistance. We can assist our residents with all of their Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) such as showering, dressing, grooming and even dining. Each resident has their own Personalized Care Plan (PCP) that details his or her specific needs. Additionally, each PCP is regularly updated to meet needs as they may change.
Answer: There is always diversity from one resident to the next in all facilities. Therefore, at Pelican Garden we provide a complete assessment of the senior prior to admission and establish their Personalized Care Plan (PCP), which details their care requirements needs and preferences in living life to the fullest.
Answer: Yes, that is part of the Personalized Care Plan (PCP) for your loved one. We provide our staff with the detailed care needs to address these safety concerns. If falling is a concern, the PCP may include interventions and special precautions to help staff address this issue. We also offer exercise programs to help strengthen mobility, which may reduce potential falls. Therapy is also often a good choice and offered at our facility by outside reputable partner companies.
Answer: Residents or the responsible party are responsible for providing payments each month.
Answer: Yes, we work with two different managed care agencies through the State of Florida and the Veteran Administration. There are always options for financial aid to supplement the rent cost. There is often a waiting list, so it’s important we know this beforehand so we can assist with the proper lead-time to ensure no interruptions. We will help you through the process to get the right organization based on your qualifications and individual needs.
Answer: Pelican Garden is an active facility and we have many great options at our community, allowing seniors to thrive both individually and socially. We often focus on the level of care, but don’t forget that our goal is to also improve the quality of their life. We devote a tremendous amount of time to activities, including van rides, social events, shopping, etc., as well as providing various entertainers to come in and perform. Our goal is to improve a person’s enjoyment with the fun things life has to offer.
Answer: Yes we do and welcome those who just want to come for a short time. We’ll make them feel at home and treat them to the same level of care and services as we do our full-time residents.
Answer: Absolutely, Pelican Garden has a medication management program, which will be monitored and added to your Personalized Care Plan (PCP). Residents may choose their own pharmacy or use our preferred pharmacy provider.
Answer: Pelican Garden’s staffing ratio is adjusted based on the needs of our residents. However, we never fall below the minimum state requirements as outline by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). Our staff is trained to bond with each resident and to exceed the level of expected care.
Answer: We do not have a nurse on staff, but we do have nurses on call. Furthermore, we have private duty nurses that come in to the facility daily to provide care for residents as needed.
Answers: First, every Team member at Pelican Garden Assisted Living Facility has multiple years of experience, mostly at Pelican Garden when we opened in 2004. For that we are grateful and proud! Secondly, each is provided continued education and training, clinical care protocols and multiple quality assurance measurements to keep our standards high. We teach teamwork and we bring compassion and attention to each resident.
Thanks so much for your interest in Pelican Garden. If you have additional questions, simply let us know. We’d be honored and delighted to show you around our facility!